Connecting Inward® is a method and practice of learning how to intentionally listen to your own inner self more.
In this program I share what I've learned about how we can open up a channel of active, two-way communication with our own inner self.
Have you wanted to tune into your
own inner self more, but not known how?
Have you tried meditation, but it hasn't worked for you?
Maybe you've been meditating for a while and you suspect
you could experience more, but you're not sure how.
Perhaps you’ve had experiences of listening to your own inner self, but you aren't sure how to do it consistently
or to understand what it is telling you.
Maybe you're feeling called to embark on a new direction in your life
and you want to tune into your own inner self more
to help you get there.
If any of these situations resonate with you,
Connecting Inward may help.
I have had the most amazing journey with your Connecting Inward course. For many years I’d tried to make meditation work for me, but it always just seemed to stir my mind up like a busy hive of bees, rather than calming it down. Connecting Inward gives my inner awareness something to pay attention to, and I was pleasantly surprised by how easy I found it to focus on my inner realm and receiving. I only had one session where I stayed in the quieting place and then repeated that lesson the next day, because my mind was too distracted. Every other time, I went to the connecting place and received marvelous messages from my Inner Being!
The single most valuable lesson I learned with the course is the simplicity and purity of my Inner Being’s messages. She conveys whole realms of meaning and understanding with the simple sight of an animal or the sound of a brook rippling over rocks, or a gesture, or her posture, or a single word, or a pure feeling. I also read tarot cards, and the interpretation process feels very similar...the simplest images, words and meanings convey such pure knowing. For the past couple of years, tarot has been helping me cut through the static and interference of my busy, babbling mind...and Connecting Inward has helped me take receiving to an even higher level, so that now I can sense my inner guidance free of so much efforting and overthinking.
Connecting Inward has helped me progress by leaps and bounds to be able to feel exceptionally good about that path, with no panic about finding a new job right away or doing stuff to push things into place. My Inner Being… assures me it will be really fun and we don’t have to do anything in a hurry, and I believe her.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me find the one thing I wanted most: happy peace of mind. I wish I could send you my whole journal from my time in the course...but as you can see from this email, I love words and my journal is quickly becoming book-length… Now that I can do Connecting Inward on my own, I want to be open to whatever feels best, and all the delightful surprises my inner being sends.
[In meditation] I was always efforting trying to quiet my mind… I never got anything out of it. [In Connecting Inward] I was blown away because there was no absolutely resistance. You go along for the ride. Michelle talks you along, every day a bit more… And there was no resistance [for me]. None. When I made the connection to my Inner Being I was overpowered with bliss and joy. It was very powerful.
I’m not reacting to my daily life situations the way I was. I feel more compassionate to those around me and to myself.
I feel a great sense of clarity, knowing that I can tune into my own knowing – my inner knowing.
This [course] has empowered me.
I recommend this course to anyone who wants to learn a very clear, easy, profound way to connect to a deeper part of themselves.
I am so thankful. I so appreciate how straightforward the steps are. It’s very clear. You can’t get it wrong if you do things the way you are teaching them. I really appreciate the clarity.
I know my Connecting Inward practice will continue to evolve from here. I believe I'll be surprised and amazed through my ongoing communication with my Inner Being.
Wow! Out comes this love. There’s this connection [with my Inner Being]. Before there was nothing.
I can't wait to see what else my Inner Being delivers to me that will delight me!
What an experience that was and still is... What followed was an extreme overpowering by strong emotions and tears of joy... Thank you so much Michelle for taking us on this magic journey.
As I relax and enjoy myself and move through these lessons...I’m enjoying the detail being filled in as I journal after each session and finally being able to milk those good vibrations into excitement and energy for my day is a deliciously wonderful experience. I am learning so much about allowing and how that really works in my day... Thanks Michelle
What a beautiful experience today... Energy built up and over me as if I were going to cry, though I did not, it was if I did. I felt so supported and guided.
What an amazing experience. Can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.
I just want to say that I've had some super cool things happening... Like things I say I need/want just manifesting within minutes or days.
I’ve been on a lifelong journey of learning and studying how we each can listen to our own inner self more. And I create products, podcasts, and art to share what I discover along the way.
21 Step-by-Step Videos
Daily videos that guide you through the process of understanding what communication with your Inner Being looks like, and how to begin connecting and communicating with your Inner Being on a daily basis using the Connecting Inward™ method.
A Daily Journaling Practice
A Daily Journaling Practice to reflect on your experiences in the course and build momentum in your Connecting Inward™ daily practice.
A Soundtrack Guide
A PDF guide that will help you select a soundtrack that resonates with you, that you can then use in your Connecting Inward™ daily practice.
Independent Practice Tools
A Bonus Video that you can use to kick start your daily independent Connecting Inward™ practice after completing the course, as well as a Daily Practice Diagram.
21 Step-by-Step Videos
Daily videos in which I guide you through the process of understanding what communication with your Inner Being looks like, and how to begin connecting and communicating with your Inner Being on a daily basis using the Connecting Inward method.
A Daily Journaling Practice
A Daily Journaling Practice to reflect on your experiences in the course and build momentum in your Connecting Inward daily practice.
A Soundtrack Guide
A PDF guide that will help you select a soundtrack that resonates with you, that you can then use in your Connecting Inward daily practice.
Independent Practice Tools
A Bonus Video that you can use to kick start your daily independent Connecting Inward practice after completing the course, as well as a Daily Practice Diagram.
Deepening My Connection to My Inner Knowing
After many years of experiencing these flashes of knowing, I started trusting my intuition. I started calling myself “intuitive.” But I wanted to understand it more. I wanted to learn where this knowing came from and how it worked. And I wanted to know how I could sometimes tap into it and other times I couldn’t.
Because of these questions, around 2001, I felt a strong calling to study intuition and other methods of tapping into one’s own inner knowing and wisdom. First, I studied with a teacher who taught intuition and clairvoyance. Next, I entered an intense multi-year period of study of Shamanism, Energy Medicine, Buddhism, Hypnotherapy, clairvoyance, channeling, and many other spiritual and metaphysical practices. And I read book after book on all things spiritual and inner guidance, immersing myself in knowledge on this topic.
And through those activities, bit by bit, I added more to my understanding of where my “intuition” was coming from. I came to understand that in those moments, my intuition was coming from a broader, wiser part of myself. Back in those days I called that my part of myself my higher self or my spirit guide.
During that time, I deepened my own practice of communicating with this inner, wiser part of myself. Additionally, I became a Certified Hypnotherapist and Shamanic Counselor and I began teaching my clients how to tap into their own inner wisdom to gain insights on matters related to their careers, business, relationships, health, and more. And while my work during this period was enjoyable, something was missing and so my inner knowing called me to the next chapter of my life.
Utilizing My Guidance For My Own Creativity
I’d been feeling the need to be more creative and so when a personal situation caused me and my husband to move to my home state of Pennsylvania to be closer to my family, I entered an intense period of communication with my inner knowing about what kind of work I should do there. In time, the clarity came to start a interior design firm, which I ran successfully for eight years. During that period, I continued utilizing some of the tools I had learned from my previous spiritual and energy studies. But I also did more than that. During this period, I started seeing how, in states of creativity, I could tap into my inner knowing on my design projects.
Using this ability, I began designing interior spaces that my clients and I both loved. In fact, I would sometimes sit in these spaces after they were complete and ask myself how I created them. Because even though I was the one who designed them, it seemed as if I was the receiver of the design as much as the one creating the design. And yet I knew that no other person was involved in my work.
That period of my life was one of focus on creativity. It was one where I asked myself the question: how do we turn on our creative flow? How do we tap into that flow when we sit down to work on our creative projects? During this period, I also felt awe as I achieved a lifelong dream of writing a book. It was in that same "knowing" flow state that I sat down and wrote a 65,000 word novel in six weeks. Or developed a unique interior design space that my clients absolutely adored.
Utilizing My Guidance For Health & Other Life Changes
A Call to Teach Others How to Connect
With Their Inner Being Or Deepest Source Self
Not long after that, I started tuning back into my Inner Being at least once daily and often even more frequently. This experience led me to eventually launch my first podcast.
At one point, I felt the strong call to teach others the method I'd been using for 20 years of communicating with my Inner Being aka the collective group Source consciousness that I call Ceylon.
And so one day, Ceylon gave me clear, step by step guidance on how to to teach this method to others, as well as the name Connecting Inward. The result is my Connecting Inward - Learn to Connect With Your Inner Being Course, which has received rave reviews by those who have taken it.
I have had the most amazing journey with your Connecting Inward course. For many years I’d tried to make meditation work for me, but it always just seemed to stir my mind up like a busy hive of bees, rather than calming it down. Connecting Inward gives my inner awareness something to pay attention to, and I was pleasantly surprised by how easy I found it to focus on my inner realm and receiving. I only had one session where I stayed in the quieting place and then repeated that lesson the next day, because my mind was too distracted. Every other time, I went to the connecting place and received marvelous messages from my Inner Being!
And the single most valuable lesson I learned with the course is the simplicity and purity of my Inner Being’s messages. She conveys whole realms of meaning and understanding with the simple sight of an animal or the sound of a brook rippling over rocks, or a gesture, or her posture, or a single word, or a pure feeling. I also read tarot cards, and the interpretation process feels very similar...the simplest images, words and meanings convey such pure knowing. For the past couple of years, tarot has been helping me cut through the static and interference of my busy, babbling mind...and Connecting Inward has helped me take receiving to an even higher level, so that now I can sense my inner guidance free of so much efforting and overthinking.
[I wrote previously about some other changes in my life...] Connecting Inward has helped me progress by leaps and bounds to be able to feel exceptionally good about that path, with no panic about finding a new job right away or doing stuff to push things into place. My Inner Being… assures me it will be really fun and we don’t have to do anything in a hurry, and I believe her.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me find the one thing I wanted most: happy peace of mind. I wish I could send you my whole journal from my time in the course...but as you can see from this email, I love words and my journal is quickly becoming book-length… Now that I can do Connecting Inward on my own, I want to be open to whatever feels best, and all the delightful surprises my inner being sends.
[In meditation] I was always efforting trying to quiet my mind… I never got anything out of it. [In Connecting Inward] I was blown away because there was no absolutely resistance. You go along for the ride. Michelle talks you along, every day a bit more… And there was no resistance [for me]. None. When I made the connection to my Inner Being I was overpowered with bliss and joy. It was very powerful.
I’m not reacting to my daily life situations the way I was. I feel more compassionate to those around me and to myself.
I feel a great sense of clarity, knowing that I can tune into my own knowing – my inner knowing.
This [course] has empowered me.
I recommend this course to anyone who wants to learn a very clear, easy, profound way to connect to a deeper part of themselves.
I am so thankful. I so appreciate how straightforward the steps are. It’s very clear. You can’t get it wrong if you do things the way you are teaching them. I really appreciate the clarity.
I know my Connecting Inward practice will continue to evolve from here. I believe I'll be surprised and amazed through my ongoing communication with my Inner Being.
Wow! Out comes this love. There’s this connection [with my Inner Being]. Before there was nothing.
I can't wait to see what else my Inner Being delivers to me that will delight me!
What an experience that was and still is... What followed was an extreme overpowering by strong emotions and tears of joy... Thank you so much Michelle for taking us on this magic journey.
As I relax and enjoy myself and move through these lessons...I’m enjoying the detail being filled in as I journal after each session and finally being able to milk those good vibrations into excitement and energy for my day is a deliciously wonderful experience. I am learning so much about allowing and how that really works in my day... Thanks Michelle
What a beautiful experience today... Energy built up and over me as if I were going to cry, though I did not, it was if I did. I felt so supported and guided.
What an amazing experience. Can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.
I just want to say that I've had some super cool things happening... Like things I say I need/want just manifesting within minutes or days.
Life Changing!
"I had gotten to the point where I asked spirit, “ok, I have all of this knowledge and understanding, but how do I live and navigate every day in this 3D world?” A few days later, I was guided to search for an Abraham Hicks podcast and Michelle’s podcast popped up. I’ve been listening nonstop ever since and have made huge shifts in my daily life based on hearing Michelle tell the stories of how she incorporates Abraham Hicks into her every day experience. Her stories are relatable, voice relaxing, and insight helpful, and I feel like I have a friend on this journey. So appreciative of you, Michelle, for this beautiful and immensely helpful podcast! Thank you for helping me elevate my fun and magical daily experience!"
Every Episode Comes At the Right Time
Every week I have the experience of perfect timing! Michelle’s message always gives me just what I need at just the right moment, particularly episode 68 about letting go instead of “pushing through.” The concept of *giving it over to the manager* is brilliant and has been life-changing for me, a true control freak who tends to carry the world on her shoulders. Michelle — Thanks for your honesty, your vulnerability, and for sharing your truth with us! You seem to have gained more truth, clarity, and confidence as the episodes have gone on. It’s a delight to watch you unfold (and to receive the valuable lessons you offer!)
Love This Podcast!
I don’t write podcast reviews because I often only listen to a couple episodes and then I lose interest. But this podcast is so simple, direct, and applicable - which gets me out of my head and into real life practice. I love listening while I walk my dog each day and because the information is so useful, I enjoy re-listening! Also, I find her voice to be relatable yet relaxing, which is a plus.
Incredibly Helpful!
I have been following the teachings of Abraham for a couple years now but have not fully committed to practicing these teachings until the last two weeks that I have listened to Michelle’s podcast Creating from the Inside Out! She is awesome and really helps to understand the application of the Law of Attraction in everyday life. After listening for just a couple days, something just clicked for me and I am in an incredibly aligned space, as a result! She simplifies these concepts so they are easier to process and use...also her voice is so pleasant! Thank you universe for leading me to this podcast :)
Everyday Companion
I am very appreciative. This podcast gives me JUICE. Sometimes Abraham videos can make me feel almost overwhelmed, almost ‘headachey’ - like I want to do it all at once, know I can’t, and get a little... down or frustrated. This podcast helps me feel like- I CAN DO IT TOO. That is.... it’s huge. Thank you Michelle and thank you Abraham. -
Deepening My Connection to My Inner Knowing
After many years of experiencing these flashes of knowing, I started trusting my intuition. I started calling myself “intuitive.” But I wanted to understand it more. I wanted to learn where this knowing came from and how it worked. And I wanted to know how I could sometimes tap into it and other times I couldn’t.
Because of these questions, around 2001, I felt a strong calling to study intuition and other methods of tapping into one’s own inner knowing and wisdom. First, I studied with a teacher who taught intuition and clairvoyance. Next, I entered an intense multi-year period of study of Shamanism, Energy Medicine, Buddhism, Hypnotherapy, clairvoyance, channeling, and many other spiritual and metaphysical practices. And I read book after book on all things spiritual and inner guidance, immersing myself in knowledge on this topic.
And through those activities, bit by bit, I added more to my understanding of where my “intuition” was coming from. I came to understand that in those moments, my intuition was coming from a broader, wiser part of myself. Back in those days I called that my part of myself my higher self or my spirit guide.
During that time, I deepened my own practice of communicating with this inner, wiser part of myself. Additionally, I became a Certified Hypnotherapist and Shamanic Counselor and I began teaching my clients how to tap into their own inner wisdom to gain insights on matters related to their careers, business, relationships, health, and more. And while my work during this period was enjoyable, something was missing and so my inner knowing called me to the next chapter of my life.
Utilizing My Guidance For My Own Creativity
I’d been feeling the need to be more creative and so when a personal situation caused me and my husband to move to my home state of Pennsylvania to be closer to my family, I entered an intense period of communication with my inner knowing about what kind of work I should do there. In time, the clarity came to start a interior design firm, which I ran successfully for eight years. During that period, I continued utilizing some of the tools I had learned from my previous spiritual and energy studies. But I also did more than that. During this period, I started seeing how, in states of creativity, I could tap into my inner knowing on my design projects.
Using this ability, I began designing interior spaces that my clients and I both loved. In fact, I would sometimes sit in these spaces after they were complete and ask myself how I created them. Because even though I was the one who designed them, it seemed as if I was the receiver of the design as much as the one creating the design. And yet I knew that no other person was involved in my work.
That period of my life was one of focus on creativity. It was one where I asked myself the question: how do we turn on our creative flow? How do we tap into that flow when we sit down to work on our creative projects? During this period, I also felt awe as I achieved a lifelong dream of writing a book. It was in that same "knowing" flow state that I sat down and wrote a 65,000 word novel in six weeks. Or developed a unique interior design space that my clients absolutely adored.
Utilizing My Guidance For Health & Other Life Changes
A Renewed Commitment to Following My Inner Being
Not long after that, I started tuning back into my Inner Being on a daily basis while listening to the teachings of Abraham Hicks. This experience led me to a decision. A decision to start tuning into my Inner Being on a daily basis while practicing the teachings of Abraham Hicks alongside all of the spiritual practices I had learned to date over my lifetime.
This led me to create my first podcast Creating From the Inside Out. After a year and a half, I created a second podcast called Following the Call: Tales of Following Your Inner Guidance.
And from there, I also began sharing messages from my own Inner Being Ceylon with the world through some podcast episodes, as well as videos on YouTube called The Daily Stream.
A Call to Teach Others How to Connect
With Their Inner Being
At one point, I felt the strong call to teach others the method I'd been using for 18 years of communicating with my Inner Being Ceylon.
And so one day, Ceylon gave me clear, step by step guidance on how to to teach this method to others, as well as the name Connecting Inward. The result is my Connecting Inward™ - Learn to Connect With Your Inner Being Course, which has received rave reviews by those who have taken it.
Connecting Inward is currently on a Wait List. But it is currently open for a limited time, by application and approval only, to be part of a unique Beta Program. Click on the Beta Program button to learn more, or sign up to join the Wait List.