Morning Tune In

Tune into your inner self in the
morning (or any time of day).  

Morning Tune In is an audio program that's designed 
to help you tune into your own inner self

This program is instructional - meaning it helps you understand 
what it means to tune into yourself - and why it's helpful. 

And as a program directly channeled from Ceylon, it's designed to help 
you at a vibrational level actually change your energy as you listen to it. 

Additionally, you can listen to this program over and over again 
for multiple benefits and deeper understanding each time.

Finally, you have the option of using the streaming audio version 
of this program, or downloading the audio file to your device and 
listening to it offline anywhere.

Watch Ep. 101 of My Former Podcast (Creating From the Inside Out)
Below For Information on the Benefits of Tuning In,
Plus Hear Me Explain More About the Morning Tune In Audio Program  

Note: Listen to the whole episode or fast forward to Minute 13 to 19 for the Morning Tune In portion.

Hi, I'm Michelle Waldo

I share teachings, tools, resources, insights and more to help you tune into and follow yourself – that deeper, all knowing, multi-dimensional source part of yourself and inner wisdom that's calling you to exactly where you want to go.  In creating my offerings, I tune into a collective group of Source consciousness that I call Ceylon, which has been guiding me for my entire life.

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$39 USD

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More Info

This 54 minute audio program is designed to be listened to in a quiet, private setting where you can focus in on what is being shared. For parts of it, we recommend that you close your eyes; so it's not designed to be listened to while driving or walking. And while you may find it easiest to tune in during the morning (as the name states), you can opt to use this program at any time of day if that works better for you.

A few other things...

This program is directly channeled from Ceylon, and it is designed to create both instructional and vibrational benefits. So you likely will find yourself feeling a shift in your vibration, mood, and energy as you listen, as well as afterward as you reflect on the information shared and experienced.

Additionally, this program contains two components. It begins with an instructional component that explains what it means to "tune into yourself" and what benefits that can give you. This program also has an experiential component that guides you through the practice of tuning in.

Finally, this program is designed to be listened to more than once. Thus you will likely find that each time you listen, you will come to understand the information shared at a different vibrational level each time. And it talks about how you can begin to do this practice independently for ongoing benefits.

As a final note, you do not need any previous experience or skills to utilize this product. It is a great starting point for those who want to begin tuning into themselves at a deeper level whether or not they have a meditation practice. Additionally, this program can benefit those who have completed the Connecting Inward program and yet sometimes find it challenging to quiet their mind and truly go within (especially during this particular time). So it can be a great pre-cursor to their Connecting Inward practice.

I hope you enjoy this program as much as I enjoyed creating it.

- Michelle

P.S. For your convenience this program can be streamed via the audio player on this course website. Alternatively, you can download it as an MP3 to listen offline anytime.

What Has Been Said About My Other Programs & Offerings

After listening for just a couple days, something just clicked for me and I am in an incredibly aligned space, as a result!

Thank you so much Michelle for taking us on this magic journey.

Thank you Michelle for yet another life changing course. What a tremendous gift during these challenging times to understand how empowered we are to create our own experience.

I feel like just your voice when it’s Ceylon shifts my vibrations.

I’m not reacting to my daily life situations the way I was. I feel more compassionate to those around me and to myself.

 [To someone who is considering this course] I would say, it’s a no-brainer. You owe it to yourself to do it. Why would you not do it. Trust me on this. You really want this. You’re never going to regret it.

This podcast is exactly what I was looking for at exactly the moment I needed it. It has brought me back to a place where I could find my alignment, inspired me when I was in alignment and brought me back when I had lost my alignment. I've recommend and sent many people the links to various episodes because they way you break them down Michelle, makes it so easy to relate to and apply to your daily life! Thank you, thank you, thank you Michelle for listening to your inner being and creating this beautiful podcast!

Take it from a current student, this will blow you away.  

Ceylon helped you put together a wonderful life changing course that I am proud to own.  

This course changed my life.  

I would say that this class is one of the most beneficial I’ve ever taken and it’s so beautiful because what you learn is yours for the rest of your life.  

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me find the one thing I wanted most: happy peace of mind.  

I cannot even begin to describe what a difference this course has made.  

This course has empowered me.  

[As a result of this program] my whole outlook has changed.

 This has created a big shift for me. And I think it could benefit other people greatly.