In this free 5-day audio program I share 3 practices that can help you listen to your inner self more.

I'm Michelle Waldo & I help people listen to their own inner self.

I’ve been on a lifelong journey of learning and studying how we each can listen to our own inner self more. And I create products, podcasts, and art to share what I've discovered.

In this free audio program I discuss key things that I've learned on my journey of learning to practice self-care by listening to my own inner self.

I share simple yet powerful tools I've learned
that have truly helped me.

These are things that you can do anytime, anywhere - for free. 

You don't have to go to any fancy place to do them.
You don't have to buy fancy things to do them. 

All they require is your desire and intention.

What People Have Said About My Other Products

"Thank you Michelle for yet another life changing course."

"[As a result of this program] my whole outlook has changed." 

"I cannot even begin to describe what a difference this course has made."